at the edge of consciousness…where the juice is…


Radical bliss, extreme joy–the ultimate. For most of my life my passion has been to figure out how to be happy, to feel good, fulfilled, at peace, ALIVE…and loving it. I’ve discovered truly powerful tools to help with all this, and I’ll be sharing them, but the simple ‘what lights my fire’ is the ultimate. It’s what it’s all about. It’s what the tools lead to.

We’re surrounded every day, everywhere by negative input. It’s hard to avoid. It’s all over the media and most of our conversations. People look for what’s wrong, what needs fixing–it’s just what we do. And it can lead to great things, but not if we stay mired in “what’s wrong”.

This is a space for something different. For sharing what turns us on, what makes our lives BIGGER. What stops our breath, our thought. What brings tears of appreciation to our eyes or laughter to our bellies. What makes us feel freer–or even like we’ve maybe glimpsed eternity.

The first definition of “radical” on is of or going to the root or origin; fundamental. And the first definition of “bliss” is supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment. Yep. That’s the ultimate.

Let’s share it.

Comments on: "About" (5)

  1. Thanks for making the blogosphere a better place! I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. If you’d like to accept this award, you’ll find the rules here:

    • Thank you for the nomination! I’m about to leave for a week-long high-tech meditation retreat at the Synchronicity sanctuary so will check it out when I return. Here’s to an enlightened blogosphere 🙂

  2. Hi Mary – I nominated for the “The Blogger’s Award” because I love following your posts . Here is the link to the post:
    Thank you!

  3. Hi Mary!
    I wanted to thank you for your comment on my blog a couple of weeks ago! It took me this long to figure out how to respond – I just needed to click on your name! Looks like we have something in common – yep, the Ultimate! I’m enjoying your site!
    Have a great day!
    Karrie Wallen

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